driftwood girl

Here is a girl that I painted on driftwood. Yesterday my son Roscoe and I were walking on the path by Lake Champlain and I picked up a lovely scrap of driftwood. I admit I have far more driftwood than I can paint in one lifetime. It was with me anyway when I reached home, along with 5 delightfully small acorns, and lingering bits of conversation  edging on the enormity of the unknown.

orange spiral felted doll

A new being has sprouted, made of cloth with felt face, ears, hands and tails. The eyes are felted directly on from wool. Fun!

We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in August and looked out at the bay. Everything appeared to shimmer with possibility.Is it possible to begin again?

It happens every day.

Sometimes it takes an open horizon, a reflective body of water, and a dazzling golden bridge to see the velocity of change heading toward us.

That day, on the bridge, the spiral ran right through me.


This is Little Nemo. He holds a central role in the Pomeranian Circus. Some have compared him to Ganesha, the remover (and creator!) of obstacles. It seems that this is the role of love too, to create and remove obstacles. If stories can turn into prayers, then make this a story of obstacles removed.


He sat and danced and walked, backwards and forwards, dervishly spinning and I saw before me the Pomeranian Circus. There would be 6 dogs in colorful costumes, leaping through hoops, dancing, rolling on balls, standing each others shoulders to form double pyramids.


In devotion there is a focus that guides one to the extraordinary.